GRIB学习笔记:GRIB2解码 - 处理JPEG2000压缩




简要研究过ecCodes及其前身grib api的源码,为了能解析任意GRIB2文件,大量代码用于处理GRIB2的表格和模板,整个项目的结构比较复杂。数值预报中心生成的GRIB2数据往往使用相同的表格和模板。对于手动编写解码程序,仅需要考虑一种情况。因此本系列文章仅关注固定表格、模板组合下的GRIB2数据解码。



数值预报中心的GRIB2数据都使用JPEG2000压缩,详情参见《GRIB学习笔记:样例文件分析 - Section 5》。本文使用上面文章的样例数据进行说明。




数据的描述放在Section 5,包括数据点个数,参考值,二进制因子和十进制因子等。

int binary_scale_factor = 0x0;
int decimal_scale_factor = 0x2;

float convertToFloat(uint32_t v) {
	return *(reinterpret_cast<float*>(&v));

float reference_value = convertToFloat(0x46B1298E);

我使用64位Windows 10的Visual Studio 2019编译程序,float是4字节浮点数,所以用float表示参考值。

压缩后的数据放在Section 7,根据压缩的数据起始位置和终止位置,读取数据。

auto start_pos = 0xB1;
auto raw_data_length = 0x98998 - 0xB1 + 1;

auto buf = new unsigned char[raw_data_length];

std::FILE* f = std::fopen(grib_file_path.c_str(), "rb");
std::fseek(f, start_pos, SEEK_SET);
std::fread(buf, 1, raw_data_length, f);



std::vector<double> decodeValues(unsigned char* buf, size_t raw_data_length, size_t data_count) {
	int err = 0;
	unsigned long  mask;
	std::vector<double> val;

	opj_dparameters_t parameters = { 0, };	/* decompression parameters */
	opj_stream_t* stream = NULL;
	opj_memory_stream mstream;
	opj_image_t* image = NULL;
	opj_codec_t* codec = NULL;
	opj_image_comp_t comp = { 0, };

	/* set decoding parameters to default values */
	parameters.decod_format = 1; /* JP2_FMT */

	/* get a decoder handle */
	codec = opj_create_decompress(OPJ_CODEC_J2K);

	/* catch events using our callbacks and give a local context */
	opj_set_info_handler(codec, openjpeg_info, nullptr);
	opj_set_warning_handler(codec, openjpeg_warning, nullptr);
	opj_set_error_handler(codec, openjpeg_error, nullptr);

	/* initialize our memory stream */
	mstream.pData = buf;
	mstream.dataSize = raw_data_length;
	mstream.offset = 0;
	/* open a byte stream from memory stream */
	stream = opj_stream_create_default_memory_stream(&mstream, OPJ_STREAM_READ);

	/* setup the decoder decoding parameters using user parameters */
	if (!opj_setup_decoder(codec, &parameters)) {
		err = 2;
		goto cleanup;
	if (!opj_read_header(stream, codec, &image)) {
		err = 3;
		goto cleanup;
	if (!opj_decode(codec, stream, image)) {
		err = 4;
		goto cleanup;

	if (!(data_count <= image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h)) {
		err = 5;
		goto cleanup;
	if ((image->numcomps != 1) || (image->x1 * image->y1) == 0) {
		err = 6;
		goto cleanup;

	_ASSERT(image->comps[0].sgnd == 0);
	_ASSERT(comp.prec <= sizeof(image->comps[0].data[0]) * 8 - 1); /* BR: -1 because I don't know what happens if the sign bit is set */

	_ASSERT(image->comps[0].prec < sizeof(mask) * 8 - 1);

	auto data = image->comps[0].data;
	mask = (1 << image->comps[0].prec) - 1;

	auto count = image->comps[0].w * image->comps[0].h;

	for (auto i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		auto v = data[i];
		val[i] = v & mask;

	if (!opj_end_decompress(codec, stream)) {
		err = 7;

	/* close the byte stream */
	if (codec)  opj_destroy_codec(codec);
	if (stream) opj_stream_destroy(stream);
	if (image)  opj_image_destroy(image);

	return val;



for (auto i = 0; i < data_count; i++) {
		val[i] = (reference_value + val[i] * std::pow(2, binary_scale_factor)) / std::pow(10, decimal_scale_factor);


使用GRAPES GFS模式输出的样例文件测试,解码结果如下图所示:


ecCodes使用!topic/openjpeg/8cebr0u7JgY 中封装OpenJPEG的函数,用于解码内存数组中的JPEG压缩数据,而不是来自图片文件的数据。

#include <openjpeg.h>

typedef struct j2k_encode_helper {

	size_t           buffer_size;

	long             width;
	long             height;
	long             bits_per_value;

	float            compression;

	long             no_values;
	const double* values;
	double           reference_value;
	double           divisor;
	double           decimal;

	long             jpeg_length;
	unsigned char* jpeg_buffer;

} j2k_encode_helper;

/* OpenJPEG 2.1 version of grib_openjpeg_encoding.c */

/* opj_* Helper code from!topic/openjpeg/8cebr0u7JgY */
/* These routines are added to use memory instead of a file for input and output */
/* struct need to treat memory as a stream */
typedef struct
	OPJ_UINT8* pData;       /* our data */
	OPJ_SIZE_T dataSize;    /* how big is our data */
	OPJ_SIZE_T offset;      /* where we are currently in our data */
	j2k_encode_helper* helper;
} opj_memory_stream;

/* This will read from our memory to the buffer */
OPJ_SIZE_T opj_memory_stream_read(void* buffer, OPJ_SIZE_T nb_bytes, void* p_user_data)
	opj_memory_stream* mstream = (opj_memory_stream*)p_user_data; /* Our data */
	OPJ_SIZE_T nb_bytes_read = nb_bytes; /* Amount to move to buffer */

	/* Check if the current offset is outside our data buffer */
	if (mstream->offset >= mstream->dataSize)
		return (OPJ_SIZE_T)-1;

	/* Check if we are reading more than we have */
	if (nb_bytes > (mstream->dataSize - mstream->offset))
		nb_bytes_read = mstream->dataSize - mstream->offset;

	memcpy(buffer, &(mstream->pData[mstream->offset]), nb_bytes_read);
	mstream->offset += nb_bytes_read; /* Update the pointer to the new location */
	return nb_bytes_read;

/* Write from the buffer to our memory */
OPJ_SIZE_T opj_memory_stream_write(void* buffer, OPJ_SIZE_T nb_bytes, void* user_data)
	opj_memory_stream* mstream = (opj_memory_stream*)user_data; /* our data */
	OPJ_SIZE_T nb_bytes_write = nb_bytes; /* Amount to move to buffer */

	/* Check if the current offset is outside our data buffer */
	if (mstream->offset >= mstream->dataSize)
		return (OPJ_SIZE_T)-1;

	/* Check if we are writing more than we have space for */
	if (nb_bytes > (mstream->dataSize - mstream->offset))
		nb_bytes_write = mstream->dataSize - mstream->offset;

	/* Copy the data from the internal buffer */
	memcpy(&(mstream->pData[mstream->offset]), buffer, nb_bytes_write);
	mstream->offset += nb_bytes_write; /* Update the pointer to the new location */
	return nb_bytes_write;

/* Moves the pointer forward, but never more than we have */
OPJ_OFF_T opj_memory_stream_skip(OPJ_OFF_T nb_bytes, void* user_data)
	opj_memory_stream* mstream = (opj_memory_stream*)user_data;
	OPJ_SIZE_T l_nb_bytes;

	if (nb_bytes < 0)
		return -1; /* No skipping backwards */
	l_nb_bytes = (OPJ_SIZE_T)nb_bytes; /* Allowed because it is positive */
	/* Do not allow jumping past the end */
	if (l_nb_bytes > mstream->dataSize - mstream->offset)
		nb_bytes = mstream->dataSize - mstream->offset;
	mstream->offset += l_nb_bytes;
	return l_nb_bytes; /* Returm how far we jumped */

/* Sets the pointer to anywhere in the memory */
OPJ_BOOL opj_memory_stream_seek(OPJ_OFF_T nb_bytes, void* user_data)
	opj_memory_stream* mstream = (opj_memory_stream*)user_data;

	if (nb_bytes < 0)
		return OPJ_FALSE; /* Not before the buffer */
	if (nb_bytes > (OPJ_OFF_T) mstream->dataSize)
		return OPJ_FALSE; /* Not after the buffer */
	mstream->offset = (OPJ_SIZE_T)nb_bytes; /* Move to new position */
	return OPJ_TRUE;

void opj_memory_stream_do_nothing(void* p_user_data)

/* Create a stream to use memory as the input or output */
opj_stream_t* opj_stream_create_default_memory_stream(opj_memory_stream* memoryStream, OPJ_BOOL is_read_stream)
	opj_stream_t* stream;

	if (!(stream = opj_stream_default_create(is_read_stream)))
		return (NULL);
	/* Set how to work with the frame buffer */
	if (is_read_stream)
		opj_stream_set_read_function(stream, opj_memory_stream_read);
		opj_stream_set_write_function(stream, opj_memory_stream_write);

	opj_stream_set_seek_function(stream, opj_memory_stream_seek);
	opj_stream_set_skip_function(stream, opj_memory_stream_skip);
	opj_stream_set_user_data(stream, memoryStream, opj_memory_stream_do_nothing);
	opj_stream_set_user_data_length(stream, memoryStream->dataSize);
	return stream;